Appendix 1. Samuel Holland to J.F.W. Des Barres. 1771
Appendix 1
Samuel Holland to J. F. W. Des Barres Kittery, Pisquataqua River, May 27th 1771. Heritage Canada, Des Barres Papers, Series 5 (MG23F15, Vols 1-2, p85)
Holland to Pownall, 15th June 1772
The General Map… is at a stand, for want of copies of Mr DesBarres’ Nova Scotia surveys, as I know this Gentleman has little desire to send me copies, I would be glad to have his plans sent me, to be returned as soon as I had obtained this reasonable request.
National Archives (UK) CO 5/70,f33
Transcription of Holland letter to Des Barres (above), May 29 1771
My Dear DesBarres,
… I have wrote to you so often hence my arrival here that I was most determined not to trouble you any more with my servants(?) but some of your friends / I met at Boston last week, assured me you had arrived by the Beaver so that your letters are going to the West Indies. It would have me made very happy to have received an answer on the large paquet I sent you by the Canceaux or on the letter Mr Derbage inclosed on his to Mr Scott. Mr Derbage has received answers on all his letters, but I never a line from you as the first was a Plan or proposals for the mutual advantage of our operations in our Survey, an exchange of Plans, your answer would have been of service to have negotiated this Summers Surveys & other matters concerning the service the Canceaux could perform in soundings etc* as I cannot survey on the East coast before the return of the Canceaux for want of boats & seamen, I am employed with inland surveys of Rivers, Bays etc During last winter we have been employed in Surveying Lakes, Rivers and Roads, the Connecticut River is along(?) the Boundary line between New Hampshire and Massachusets Provenceto its source, I am just setting out on a new Survey, & as I would not this opportunity. I have onlay time to assure you that I sincerely am my Dear Des Barres your Humble Servant & friend S: Holland. Madam Holland begs to be remembered to her … Monr Des Barres
*All underlining is Holland’s