ME720 - Chart of the entrance to the Arabian Gulf
A detailed manuscript survey dated 1818, showing the Gulf from Suha to Bahrain, on the Arabian coast of the Gulf, and Bumbarrack Rock to Gunowah on the Persian coast from around 1818.
- 1818
- Captain Eatwell
- h11.8" x w16.2"
- L
As with many charts of the region at this time the Arabian coast has not been surveyed in any detail. Bahrain is included but Qatar in omitted altogether. Aspects of the chart, especially the many strings of soundings marked on this chart share the same information William Heather used on his 1805 published chart of the Gulf of Arabia (see Heritage Charts ME712). The manuscript is unattributed, but very much in the style of Captain Eatwell (see Chart ME718), who served on H.E.I.C Cruiser Banares under the order of Captain William Hill, HMS Towey.
There are two annotations on this chart: one in the top right corner, which reads, 'H M Ship Towey, Cat Hill 1818' and the other on the reverse of the original, which reads that this chart was 'received from Captain W[ilia]m Hill, HMS Towey, 6th April 1819'.
References are provided as two separate lists: the first being the islands, the second being notable landmarks on and around Bahrain, including the Portuguese Fort. Soundings and anchorages are shown along the Oman coast, the Persian coast, and approaching the coast of Ras Racan (now Qatar). The Arabian coast has no soundings, which suggests that this area was of little interest to the British on this voyage. There are three other interesting notes included on this manuscript. The first is just above Bahrain where the 'Ship Durable wrecked' on August 1817. The second is Botherbee which appears to have been visited 'by the H C Ternate 1813'. The Third is Bumbarrack Rock, 'The hole through it is visible NNW. 6 miles'. The chart has an elaborate 32 point black lettered compass rose.
- Chart of the entrance to the Arabian Gulf