No scale is shown on the chart but it is one of the series of published surveys made by Lieutenants Guy, Brucks and Rogers which cover the Arabian coast from Core Abdullah to Ras Reccan (Qatar). The Title note describes it as being the 1st and the 5th sheet in the series which likely means that it is the 1st sheet in the sequence and the 5th to be completed. To see all of the other sheets in the series please see Heritage Charts ME702a, MW702b, ME702c, ME702d.
The chart naturally includes a good deal of coastal hydrography in the form of soundings, sandbanks rocks, islands and of course major harbors along with rivers such as Kuwait or Crane and Quade as it was known by the British at the time. Some land relief is shown.
Part of a larger survey of the Arabian Gulf this chart covers the coastline of modern day Kuwait from Warbah and Bubian Islands (Core Abdullah) north of Kuwait city south as far as the Saudi border. It was published in 1825.