Decorative elements include scenes from the four seasons with accompanying astrological signs: Spring is shown with a cupid or angel; Fall with harvest scene and reapers of wheat; Summer with scene of Bacchus and grape harvest, and Winter with skaters and an old man by a fire, a bird (or eagle), dragon, rabbits, and sea monster (perhaps symbolizing the four elements).
Cartographic elements include lines of latitude and longitude and California is shown as an island. Islands accross al oceans are named as are the coastal settlements and towns of the continents with national and international borders deliniated with color.
The map was originally published in London by John Seller in 1675 in English as part of his 'Atlas Maritimus'. The folio that made up the Atlas Maritimus was completely composite in make-up, being assembled according to the wish of the individual purchaser rather than to a standard format, although built round a standard core. Seller's map is derived from Dutch sources and it's representation of the surface of the moon is taken from Hevelius' chart of the moon first published in 1647.
The overall effect of the map is stunning and it is a great example of a piece of work in which more may be seen with each viewing.
References: Phillips, P.L. Atlases, 487; Shirley, R.W. Mapping of the world, 460, plate 12; Ashley Baynton-Williamshttp://www.mapforum (Feb. 2004) The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Hellinga, Francis McKenzie, Barnard, Burney Trapp¨V.4.CambridgeUniversity Press, 2002
This stunning map entitled 'Novissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula' was originally printed as part of the Atlas Maritimus and it shows the world in two hemispheres. North and South America are depicted with the northwest part of North America left blank. It also includes a map and schematic drawing of the moon and three drawings of planetary orbits according to Copernicus, Ptolemy, and Tycho Brahe, along with a diagram of Earth's solar orbit.